Wednesday, December 13, 2017



You are to shoot a COLOR roll or DIGITAL to create a photo color. Pick one location, think about your composition and capture that location with a serious of images.

Photographer's Research format for David Hockney & Joyce Neimanas. Include 5 images per photographer. Make sure they are examples of photo collages


1.   You can use 100, 200 or 400ASA film.  Please make a note on your ASA setting.

2.   Shoot a minimum of 36 images (or more if needed) to create a color collage.

3.   Keep in mind your elements of art and design principles.

4.   Pay attention to lighting. Time of day that you are shooting.

5.   Compose a photo with a strong center of interest. Since you are taking pictures of a very wide area, you should keep your center of interest very close.

6.   Remember to use your meter to get the correct exposure on every shot. You must also make sure your camera is correctly focused for each shot.

7.   Remember, never to move from your spot until you're done. You may tilt the camera up and down during the shoot, but never change your shooting position.

8.   Practice shooting first. The idea behind Hockney's approach is to photograph a large scene by breaking it up into many smaller lines. You must think of your scene as having an invisible grid with overlapping squares placed upon it. Begin shooting with only your waist turned three-quarters to the left. Continue to shoot your first horizontal row of photos, remembering to always overlap the photo you just took, until you reach a position where your waist is turned three-quarters to the right.
      When shooting a set, do not change the zoom or tilt your camera. It is important that you stay at the same distance and move to the left or right. Find a point in your viewfinder that you can line it up for your next image.  You are to take a series of images, that when printed, you can recreate the image as a whole with collage.

9.   Begin to shoot the second row of horizontal photos as you did previously, but you must also overlap the top of this row with the bottom of the last row.

10. Continue to shoot the entire scene always overlapping both vertically and horizontally until you complete the scene.

11. Shoot the real thing when you feel comfortable. Take the film for processing.

1. Practice with a cardboard viewfinder, getting the scene in 36 shots.
2. Don’t move your feet!
3. You can include a person and mover them around in the scene as long as they don't overlap
4. GET CLOSE!!!!! (to begin with)
5. Don’t just shoot a straight line. Look up and down

You may shoot digital or color or black & white film. Remember: Do not copy other artists’ work. This is plagiarism. Develop your artistic integrity.

WHAT TO turn in:

1.         Turn in 4x6 prints. Unfortunately we cannot develop or print color in class. You can drop off your color roll at any place that develops color film. (ex. Walgreen’s, CVS, Costco, etc…)

2.         Make your collage on a black or white poster board. You are to spray mount your images. Before you glue your images you need to arrange and make sure you are satisfied with the composition. Discuss your collage with other students and the teacher.



MONDAY - 1/8



“A self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist.”

Your assignment is the process and discovery of yourself through your representation of a self portrait. Photographing people can become difficult, but one of your most difficult subjects to capture could be yourself! We all have a vision of ourselves that we create, but when we are forced to face ourselves, we shy away. But the self portrait can also reveal something about ourselves, or allow us to express ourselves, discovery ourselves, or look at issues or things that we are dealing with, and we can also have some fun with it.

Photographing your reflection in a mirror or something reflective is a simple and easy way to create your self-portrait. You usually get the camera in the picture or on your face, unless the camera is a part of you, I do not recommend this method. You have the option to include yourself or elements or aspects of your life that describe who you are. I would suggest pick a couple of things, do not make this a documentation of things you like.

You can also set you the camera on a tripod to photograph yourself in a location. Set up the scene how you want(you sitting at your desk, in your favorite chair, whatever) Get a proper exposure, compose the scene, and focus where you will be. Hit the shutter to begin the timer, then run like heck to get back in place(or use your remote to trigger the shutter!) You can put a mirror in behind the camera to help pose yourself as well. You can also photograph your shadow, or parts of your body. You can make goofy faces, or dress up as someone else.

You can also take a deeper meaning into your self portrait.

Look at the work of Lorna Simpson, Cindy Sherman and Sarajevo, Self-Portrait, The view from Inside.

Research the work of Lorna Simpson and Cindy Sherman.

Elements of Art
Design Principles
Associate your work to other photographers such as Lorna Simpson.

You will analyze the lighting environment. Use 100 or 400 ISO depending on your lightning. Use natural lighting. Meter for your 18% gray. I have gray cards you can check out. If you shoot indoors, have adequate lightning, (regular house lamps will not work) and use a tripod. If you have a long cable release will be useful, but self timer works just as well.

Keep in mind your elements of art and design principles.

Don’t forget this is a discovery about yourself! Don’t be shy!

WHAT TO turn in:
Turn in ONE roll of 36 exposures.
Make contact sheet and discuss them with other students and teacher. Bounce around some ideas. When you turn in your contact sheets make sure you have selected a minimum of 5 images.
Print FIVE 8x10 images